Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences’ Urszula Czerska Shares Her Insights

Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences’ Urszula Czerska Shares Her Insights Originally from Poland, Urszula Czerska now teaches German at Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences in Brandenburg. She spent two weeks at Atlantic to improve her English. It was a privilege to speak to Urszula and learn about her crucial work not only in teaching a… Continue reading Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences’ Urszula Czerska Shares Her Insights

Hungarian University Staff Team Spirit Soars

Hungarian University Staff Team Spirit Soars We were thrilled to welcome nine higher education staff members from the Faculty of Economics at Gál Ferenc University last week. They were at Atlantic Centre of Education to participate in our Team Building Skills Course. For some participants, this wasn’t the first visit and by all accounts won’t… Continue reading Hungarian University Staff Team Spirit Soars

Erasmus KA2 Teachers Observation Pedagogy Has Officially Started

Erasmus KA2 Teachers Observation Pedagogy Has Officially Started We are thrilled to announce the TOP programme, a joint KA2 two-year Erasmus+ project, has officially started. It sees four institutions collaborating in a job shadowing project, including EOI Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, CPIA, Milan, Univerzum Ljubljana, Slovenia, and Atlantic Centre of Education. The core organiser of the… Continue reading Erasmus KA2 Teachers Observation Pedagogy Has Officially Started

Luis’ Sixth Visit: A Higher Ed Journey Through Erasmus+ in Galway

Luis’ Sixth Visit: A Higher Ed Journey Through Erasmus+ in Galway When you ask Luis Romero why he keeps returning to Galway to participate in Erasmus+ programmes, his answer is simple: I feel at home when I come here. Luis has joined our “English for the Educational Workplace” course this time around. I caught up… Continue reading Luis’ Sixth Visit: A Higher Ed Journey Through Erasmus+ in Galway

Understanding OCD

Martin Atkinson, Aoibheann McCann, Andrew & Lauren Groftworth,

Understanding OCD We were proud to host a talk about OCD on our premises on Friday. A big thank you to Andrew Groftworth, one of our former students, for organising this event. An equally big thank you to the other speakers Martin Atkinson, Aibheann McCann, and Lauren Gottworth for sharing their stories and their powerful… Continue reading Understanding OCD

German PhD Students Join Erasmus Programme and Share Fascinating Insights into Biodiversity in Farming

German PhD Students Join Erasmus Programme at Atlantic and Share Fascinating Insights into Biodiversity in Farming Earlier this month, Sanja Osieja and Deborah Schneider from the Nürtingen-Geislingen University of Applied Science and the University of Hohenheim joined the Presentation Skills for Academics Erasmus+ programme. The two women are researching the business aspects of biodiversity farming… Continue reading German PhD Students Join Erasmus Programme and Share Fascinating Insights into Biodiversity in Farming

An Invitation to the TUL, Czech Republic

An Invitation to the Technical University in Liberec, Czech Republic Earlier this year, the Technical University of Liberec in the Czech Republic requested that the Atlantic Centre of Education send a teacher to run a tailored Erasmus+ programme on-site. After intensive planning and collaboration, experienced teacher Dee Maher travelled to Liberec to deliver the course,… Continue reading An Invitation to the TUL, Czech Republic

Spotlight CPIA1 Karalis, Sardinia

Spotlight CPIA1 Karalis, Sardinia Mary Jo Calì, Alessandra Lay, and Adriana Fisichella from the CPIA 1 in Cagliari, Italy spoke to us about their invaluable work as teachers in an adult education centre in Sardinia. Their Erasmus+ journey to the Atlantic Centre of Education here in Galway captivated everyone who met them. Through hard work… Continue reading Spotlight CPIA1 Karalis, Sardinia